Friday, March 6, 2009

Tag Dari Art.....

First time kena tag...jawap je laaa..bkn susah pon,lagi pun art yg tag nnti tk jawap dikatakan sombong plak...lagi pun aku dah lama tk buat entry...hahahahahaha

Where is your cell phone .....................alamak!
Your hair......................lovely
Your favorite thing.......................ring
Your dream last night.........................ultraman
Your favorite drink............................ milo
Your dream/
The room you are
Your fear....................................... lonely
Where do you want to be in 6 years........taktau
One of your wish list items....................gun
Where you grew up........................... penang
The last thing you did..........................gossip
What are you wearing........................nothing..hehehehe
Your TV..........................................rumah la
Your pets........................................eeeeeeee....
Your life.............................................hmmmm...
Missing someone...............................useless!
Your car..........................................wira
Favorite store..................................roadwalk
Your summer....................................?????
Your favorite color..............................blk
When is the last time you laughed............tadi
Last time you cried..............................nakkenabagitauke?
Last person who email me.....................nobody
One my favorite foods..........................kambing!
One place you would rather be right now……heaven
One person you think will lah! (sebab die yang tag aku...)

Ok art...aku dah buat dah...hang p suruh si tegezoot buat,aku pon nak buat kenduri klu dia jawap tag hang...Rase nak tag orang lain...hmmmm,tkyah kut...nanti2 aku tag benda lain..